Thursday, 28 February 2019

Thunkable - Slideshow

A slideshow of Donkeys. I didn't like how the tutorial only went one way, and you couldn't view the whole thing in reverse, so I added buttons to the beginning and the end that switch to the last and first screen respectively

Thunkable - Webviewer

Making a simple webviewer was pretty boring. Rather than that, I made a functioning web browser (but in all seriousness, never use this to browse the web). The app takes you to Google by default, and you can go to different web pages by either searching for them or by typing them up top. If you don't type anything, the "go" button will refresh the page, otherwise it will take you to the page you have typed in. You cannot, however, open new tabs, nor can you go back or forward a page. The buttons at the top take you to my blog (here) and the IT blog (in link list). The share button will share whatever page you're on with any app (not functioning in Bluestacks, but it works on mobile), provided that app supports sharing.

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Thunkable - Spreadsheets and Data Storage

There wasn't a lot of special things to do here, so I simply made a survey, and when you finish, the text inputs and labels vanish for a few seconds before returning with the blocks empty.
Refresh the page after trying the app to see the update in the table below.
Click here to try the app!

Monday, 25 February 2019

Thunkable - Scavenger Hunt

I realized my first question has several different ways to answer it, so I decided to make every one of them possible. I also added two more, and made it so an answer isn't correct if you aren't on that specific question for it, as the tutorial seemed to overlook that. Finally, I added a finishing screen.

Friday, 22 February 2019

Thunkable - Image Recognizer

In addition to recognizing the object in the image, my app will say it wants to hit that object in a random section of the body

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Thunkable - Translator

In addition to the work from the video, I added a speech option. Just hold down the button, and it will take in what you say, then it will translate it when it's released

Tuesday, 5 February 2019

Photoshop - Infographic

An infographic, as defined by Oxford Dictionary, is "a visual representation of information or data". More specifically, it's a "collection of imagery, charts, and minimal text that give a general understanding of a topic."
4 Infographic examples
About Me
How To Edit Video
Woodstock 50th Anniversary